Challenges and targets
Three strategic challenges

Strategic targets
- Promoting cooperation between businesses, research and training centres and institutions from the agrifood sector, and encouraging the design and launch of collaborative projects.
- Contributing to promoting research, development and innovation in the Navarran agrifood sector.
- Creating and consolidating the image, positioning and notoriety of Navarre on a national and international level, transforming it into a benchmark region in terms of agrifood.
- Improving the competitiveness of the sector’s businesses and in short, the economic, social and technological development of Navarre in accordance with the regional innovation strategy contained within the Navarre S3 Strategy.
- Strengthening a processing industry connected with products and clients, competitive for its efficiency and capacity in terms of generating added value by providing healthy and convenient solutions.
- Facilitating the commercialisation and internationalisation of Navarran businesses.
- Driving forward actions that enable the region to optimise and improve its agrifood training and exploit its talent.
- Adapting the Navarran agricultural industry towards a more sustainable model, taking into account social, economic and environmental policies.
To do all of this, the cluster will undertake actions to obtain and filter relevant information about the evolution of the competitive conditions of markets and environments in the immediate future, by: structuring economic maps of the sector; developing collective brand positions; organising spaces for processing data and designing new action strategies; driving forward the collaborative generation of innovation and internationalisation projects and by constituting multi-disciplinary teams to implement them; maintaining fluid dialogue with public administrations to transfer mutual knowledge; and establishing client participation in the co-creation of value for member businesses and for the sector as a whole.