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So far nagrifood has created 163 blog entries.

Demand no. 2: Innovation in the flavoured sparkling water market

2019-02-12T12:14:36+01:00Tuesday, February 12, 2019|Opportunities|

Un importante fabricante británico de refrescos busca nuevos métodos para diferenciar agua con gas de sabores mediante nuevos conceptos tecnológicos y especialmente soluciones innovadoras relacionadas con el sabor, agua, burbujas o envasado. La empresa busca ingredientes innovadores, nuevas tecnologías de procesamiento y conceptos que permitan un cambio significativo en el mercado de agua con gas de sabores. La cooperación con socios industriales o académicos dependerá de la fase de desarrollo, e incluye acuerdos de cooperación técnica, licencia y comercialización con asistencia técnica. Límite 01 Dic 2018 [...]

Demand no. 3: Greek consultancy seeks advanced solutions in all olive oil production phases

2019-02-12T12:14:50+01:00Tuesday, February 12, 2019|Opportunities|

A Greek consultancy that works with olive and olive oil producers is seeking advanced solutions in all olive oil production phases: planting, processing, packaging and the sale of olives and olive oil. The company is looking for efficient, easy-to-use and ready-to-implement solutions for use in the olive and olive oil production industry. Specifically, it is looking for control solutions for the quality, condition and growth phases of the olive trees (plague control); precise and simple measurement of the phenolic acid content in olive oil; simple [...]

Demand no. 4: French company seeks a cold-press machine to produce freshly-squeezed juice

2019-02-12T12:14:57+01:00Tuesday, February 12, 2019|Opportunities|

A French company from the agricultural sector specialising in freshly-squeezed juice production, is urgently looking for a cold-press machine (hydraulic or new generation screw press) in a bid to strengthen its activity. The aim is to squeeze 100 litres of juice an hour from a mixture of herbs, vegetables and fruit. The company is looking for a producer of semi-automatic equipment in the agrifood sector to establish a long-term trade agreement with technical assistance. Final date: 7th March 2019 Demand: Technology Ref. TRFR20180223001

Offer 2: Trade Mission at the San Diego NGA Fair (February 2019)

2019-02-12T12:15:03+01:00Tuesday, February 12, 2019|Opportunities|

LABORAL KUTXA, along with the NGA and the GFI, in collaboration with the NAGRIFOOD CLUSTER, are organising a trade mission to the USA with agrifood companies to attend the NGA Fair 2019 set to be held in the city of San Diego on 24th and 27th February 2019. This mission emerged at the request of the president of the NGA (National Grocers Association), Peter Larkin, who recently visited Navarre. Larkin is also a member of the Committee of the 100 in the North American Chamber of Commerce, [...]

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